Goldschmidt: "Bioturbation as a global biogeochemical conveyor through time"
Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, international conference on geochemistry and related subjects, organised by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry. Goldschmidt 2018 will be held in Boston (August 12 - 17 2018). The Abstract...
France : le déclin alarmant des oiseaux
Un article de Laurianne Geffroy (20/03/2018) publié dans CNRS-Le Journal L’alouette des champs ou la linotte mélodieuse font traditionnellement résonner leur chant dans les campagnes françaises. Mais pour combien de temps encore ? Deux études récentes...
Musical break : Eddy de Pretto - Fête de trop
1er album "CURE" le 02/03/18, commandez-le ici : Écouter, télécharger tous les titres d'Eddy de Pretto : Dates de concert :...
Taking Stock of the Drosophila Research Ecosystem
David Bilder and Kenneth D. Irvine Genetics July 1, 2017 vol. 206 no. 3 1227-1236; Abstract With a century-old history of fundamental discoveries, the fruit fly has long been a favored experimental organism...
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Collective Frog Choruses Examined by Mathematical Modeling and Field Observations
Japan, 2013 (Jean-Marc Bonzom) Ikkyu Aihara , Takeshi Mizumoto , Takuma Otsuka , Hiromitsu Awano , Kohei Nagira , Hiroshi G. Okuno & Kazuyuki Aihara , Scientific Reports volume 4, Article number: 3891 (2014) Abstract This paper reports theoretical and...
Florida lizards evolve rapidly, within 15 years and 20 generations
Stuart, Y.E., T.S. Campbell, P.A. Hohenlohe, R.G. Reynolds, L.J. Revell, and J.B. Losos. 2014. Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener. Science, 346: 463-466. DOI: 10.1126/science.1257008. [link, pdf] Native green anoles (left)...
Colour and pattern change against visually heterogeneous backgrounds in the tree frog Hyla japonica
Hyla japonica (credit photo: Jean-Marc Bonzom) Changku Kang , Ye Eun Kim & Yikweon Jang , Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 22601 (2016) Abstract Colour change in animals can be adaptive phenotypic plasticity in heterogeneous environments....
Single trapped atom captures Science Photography Competition's top prize
Single Atom in Ion - Overall Winner and 1st Equipment and Facilities - Mr David Nadlinger, University of Oxford An image of a single positively-charged strontium atom, held near motionless by electric fields, has won the overall prize in a national science...
Train PhD students to be thinkers not just specialists
Many doctoral curricula aim to produce narrowly focused researchers rather than critical thinkers. That can and must change, says Gundula Bosch (Nature 554, 277 (2018)) Gundula Bosch directs the R3 Graduate Science Initiative at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg...
Pause musicale : Gaël Faye - Paris métèque
Gaël Faye est nommé dans la catégorie Révélation scène. Suivez les Victoires de la Musique 2018 Sur LE SITE ► Sur FACEBOOK ► Sur TWITTER ► ABONNE-TOI ►...
Aletheia : la blockchain contre les multinationales de la publication scientifique
Pour contourner le système des revues scientifiques payantes, une équipe de chercheurs met au point une plateforme de publication décentralisée basée sur la blockchain. Un article de Thibault Prévost (5 février 2018) : En grec ancien, alètheia est un...
Research Fellow in Polar Benthic Ecology
Marine Biology & Ecology Location: National Oceanography Centre Southampton Salary: £29,799Full Time Fixed Term (until 30/11/2019) Closing Date: Thursday 08 March 2018 Interview Date: See advert Reference: 972618HN Ocean and Earth Science at the University...
Musical break
Melanie De Biasio Vocal Flute Pascal Mohy Piano Pascal Paulus Vintage Keyboards Dre Pallemaerts Drums
Darlington's peacock spider / L’araignée paon
A new species of peacock jumping spider (photo: Jürgen C. Otto) ! Read more in the journal Peckhamia : " Description of Darlington's Peacock Spider (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae: Maratus species A) from the Stirling Range National Park of Western...