chercheurs - projets de recherche...
Les scientifiques du programme Pollusols ont travaillé durant cinq années sur les pollutions diffuses causées par les métaux (cuivre, plomb...), les radioéléments (uranium, tritium) ou encore les pesticides – des polluants que l’on retrouve pour certains...
Charles J Krebs
I invite you to visit Charles' web page. Charles J Krebs: Professor Emeritus Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada. Lots of information. You can have free access to numerous publications published by Charles J Krebs and his collaborators,...
À la rescousse des mouflons aux grandes cornes !
La biologiste Yoanna Poisson nourrit une grande passion pour la recherche en écologie. Après un baccalauréat à l’Université du Québec à Rimouski, elle entreprend une maîtrise en écologie à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Elle réalise ses études au sein du...
La bioturbation !
Florian Mermillod- Blondin, chercheur au CNRS au Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (Villeurbanne, France) et Magali Gérino, professeure à l'Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse (France), rattachée au Laboratoire Ecologie...
Fédération de Recherche Agrobiosciences, Interactions et Biodiversité
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Odour receptors and neurons for DEET and new insect repellents/Les récepteurs olfactifs et les neurones des insectes sensibles au DEET ont été identifiés
Researchers at the University of California, Riverside have identified the olfactory receptors in insects that detect DEET and causes repellency. They have also identified compounds that elicit a similar response to DEET and could one day be used to prevent...
The Long Term Ecological Research Network
The Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network was created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1980 to conduct research on ecological issues that can last decades and span huge geographical areas. The largest and longest-lived ecological network...
WAMWiki: the wild animal models wiki
WAMwiki is an on-line resource containing information and resources for anyone interested in learning more about and applying quantitative genetic methods - but especially for those interested in using quantitative genetics in natural populations. Recent...
Richard Lenski: Experimental Evolution
The main focus of my lab is on experimental evolution. Evolution is usually investigated using the comparative method or by studying fossils. Our approach is to watch evolution as it happens, in the context of experiments that are replicated and performed...
Le Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec
L’objectif du Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec est de faciliter l’émergence d’une science intégrée de la biodiversité au Québec dont les principes scientifiques vont permettre de découvrir, étudier et utiliser de façon durable la biodiversité...
Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
The Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative was launched in September 2011 and is open to all those interested in developing a coherent platform for promoting the translation of expert knowledge on soil biodiversity into environmental policy and sustainable...
Publié depuis Overblog et Facebook
Bioturbation is one of the most widespread forms of ecological engineering and has significant implications for the structure and functioning of ecosystems, yet our understanding of the processes ...
Las superbacterias que viven en Chernóbil
Un equipo científico halla unos microbios resistentes a la radioactividad, lo que puede tener implicaciones en la lucha contra el cáncer Kristin Suleng (Valencia, 24 mars 2016): Aunque su nombre recuerda a una de las mayores catástrofes medioambientales...
Meet the Bird Brainiacs: American Crow
PET scan of a crow's brain: Courtesy of Robert Miyaoka/Dept. of Radiology/University of Washington Corvid expert John Marzluff scans crows’ brains to crack the mystery of what makes these smart birds so successful. Editor's Note: Members of the crow family,...
The “Trimates,” The Founding Mothers of Primatology
Birute Galdikas (orangutans), Jane Goodall (chimpanzees) and Dian Fossey (gorillas in particular mountain gorillas) (Read more here) The Jane Goodall Institute, the Karisoke Research Center (founded by Fossey), and the Orangutan Foundation International...