Research Fellow in Polar Benthic Ecology
12 Février 2018 , Rédigé par Bioécologie Publié dans #Thèses - Post-doc - Emploi - Bourse
Location: National Oceanography Centre Southampton
Salary: £29,799
Full Time Fixed Term (until 30/11/2019)
Closing Date: Thursday 08 March 2018
Interview Date: See advert
Reference: 972618HN
Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton invites applications for a Research Fellow position in Polar benthic ecology, with a focus on sediment invertebrate biodiversity-function relations and/or reproductive resilience. The successful candidate will examine the effect of changing sea ice cover on benthic biodiversity-function relations and reproductive resilience in representative soft-sediment Arctic shelf sea habitats (Barents Sea) that intersect the ice edge. Using manipulative laboratory and ship-board experiments the successful candidate will investigate the mechanisms underpinning biodiversity-ecosystem function relations, including differences in the expression of functional traits under present and future climate conditions. This post will contribute to the ChaOS (Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor) project within the Changing Arctic Ocean Research Programme funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), see: .
More information here
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