Genetics Selection Evolution
15 Mars 2009 , Rédigé par JMB Publié dans #Livres - revues - thèses - rapports...
Genetics Selection Evolution is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to original research on all facets of
Genetics and Selection in farm and experimental animals, as well as in related species. With the huge recent increase in amount and variety of genetic data, future advances in Animal Genetics
will require even more than before the coming together and the successful integration of varied results and techniques. GSE will contribute to these new developments by
publishing relevant research papers, reviews and letters to the editor.
The journal accepts basic, applied and methodological works which will help understand, maintain and make better use of animal genetic variability. It publishes
results at all levels of study, from the gene to the quantitative trait, and from the individual to the population, the breed or the species. Both the biological approach, from Molecular Genetics
to Animal Sciences, and the mathematical one, from Population Genetics to Statistics, are welcome. Specific areas of interest include: gene identification, mapping, QTL and markers, functional
genomics, cytogenetics, genetic diversity of populations and breeds, genetic evaluation, applied and experimental selection, statistical methodology of quantitative and mixed inheritance.
De nombreuses publications libres d'accès !
From January 2009, GSE becomes an “Open Access” (OA) journal. It will be the first OA journal dedicated to original research on genetics and selection in farm and
experimental animals.
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- 205 A voir - à écouter
- 181 Actualités-News
- 178 Livres - revues - thèses - rapports...
- 174 Photos - arts - webdocumentaires...
- 154 Faune et Flore
- 154 Thèses - Post-doc - Emploi - Bourse
- 132 Biodiversité
- 100 Statistique - modélisation - plans expérimentaux
- 89 Matériels et Méthodes
- 83 Chercheurs - projets de recherche...
- 77 Ecotoxicologie
- 43 Océanographie
- 35 Evaluation des risques et surveillance écologiques
- 33 Radionucléides - chimiques - nanoparticules...
- 32 Colloques - conférences
- 28 Organismes de laboratoire
- 23 Spécial Japon
- 22 Cours...
- 21 Evolution
- 21 Universités - Laboratoires... : focus !
- 18 A voir
- 15 Bioturbation
- 15 Etudiant(e)s : conseils
- 13 Amphibiens
- 12 Logiciels scientifiques - utilitaires gratuits
- 11 Sociétés savantes - alliances...
- 8 Sédiment: biogéochimie et bioturbation
- 7 projets de recherche...
- 5 Photos
- 3 Emploi
- 3 Etudiant(e)s : conseils
- 3 In Memoriam
- 2 Bourse
- 2 Chercheurs
- 2 Post-doc
- 2 Sédiment: biogéochimie et bioturbation
- 2 Thèses
- 2 Universités - Laboratoires... : focus !
- 2 arts
- 2 webdocumentaires
- 2 à écouter
- 1 ...
- 1 Statistique
- 1 e
- 1 sol