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Drift genetic / La dérive génétique
Paul Andersen describes genetic drift as a mechanism for evolutionary change. A population genetics simulator is used to show the importance of large population size in neutralizing random change. The near extinction of the northern elephant is used as...
Crouching turkey, hidden dragon
Like us, birds stand on two legs. But unlike us they 'crouch'. To explain this odd posture, scientists at the Royal Veterinary College in the UK looked at the ancestors of birds: dinosaurs. They made 3D models of various dinosaur taxa including Tyrannosaurus...
RainWebs : Que se passera-t-il si les forêts tropicales s'assèchent ?
RAINWEBS s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet collaboratif à long terme, Bromeliad Working Group coordonné par Diane Srivastava, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Les objectifs généraux de RAINWEBS sont : (1) de comprendre les interactions entre...
Nature Is Speaking – Robert Redford is The Redwood | Conservation International (CI)
Loterre (Linked open terminology resources)
Loterre (Linked open terminology resources) est une plateforme d’exposition et de partage de terminologies scientifiques multidisciplinaires et multilingues, conforme aux standards du web des données ouvertes et liées (LOD) ainsi qu’aux principes FAIR....
Pyrénées : un promeneur filme un ours brun
Pierre Mailhes, en recherchant une place de chant du coq de bruyère (aussi appelé grand tétras), a pu filmer un ours brun. Cette rencontre inattendue a eu lieu le 23 avril 2014, dans une forêt du val de Toran (commune de Canéjan dans le Val d'Aran espagnol)....
TreeDivNet is a global network of tree diversity experiments, which provides a unique platform for research on the relation between tree species diversity and ecosystem functioning in major forest types around the world. Read the first TreeDivNet paper...
Bee pollination outperforms pesticides for oilseed crop production and profitability
Rui Catarino , Vincent Bretagnolle† , Thomas Perrot , Fabien Vialloux and Sabrina Gaba† Published: 09 October 2019 Abstract Nature-based agriculture that reduces dependency on chemical inputs requires using ecological...
La cognition du primate non-humain
Conférence donnée par Joël Fagot à l'occasion du Forum des Sciences Cognitives (édition 2014), organisé par l'association Cognivence. Le thème de la journée était "Homme, Animal, Machine - À la croisée des intelligences." Resumé de la conférence : "L'étude...
Solutions Exist to Curb Biodiversity Loss
CNRS/NEWS, 09.10.2018, by Mathieu Grousson Is science doing enough to help protect the environment? Following a detailed analysis of 13,000 publications on the subject, the answer is yes. A retort to those who believe that conservation biology, a discipline...
L'organisation secrète des fourmis
Dans cette vidéo, découvrez un réseau de galeries construit par une colonie de fourmis. C'est assez incroyable ! Cette séquence vidéo est extraite du documentaire réalisé par Wolfgang Thaler, "L'organisation secrète des fourmis "(Autriche, 2004, 44mn)....
Colour and pattern change against visually heterogeneous backgrounds in the tree frog Hyla japonica
Hyla japonica (credit photo: Jean-Marc Bonzom) Changku Kang , Ye Eun Kim & Yikweon Jang , Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 22601 (2016) Abstract Colour change in animals can be adaptive phenotypic plasticity in heterogeneous environments....
Dispelling the nice or naughty myth: retrospective observational study of Santa Claus
Abstract Objective To determine which factors influence whether Santa Claus will visit children in hospital on Christmas Day. Design Retrospective observational study. Setting Paediatric wards in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Participants...
A RIVER ON FIRE! Gas explodes from Australian river near fracking site
Australian Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham has set a river on fire in an attempt to prove it is being affected by fracking. Jeremy Buckingham: "A RIVER ON FIRE! Gas explodes from Australian river near fracking site. I was shocked by force of the explosion...
Réponses et adaptations aux changements globaux
Au-delà du changement climatique actuellement sous les feux de l’actualité, la biodiversité est confrontée à un ensemble de changements globaux. Comment réagit-elle ? Quels sont les mécanismes de ces réponses ? Comment les sociétés humaines prennent-elles...
Limnology & Oceanography:The Top 60 Papers from the First 60 Years of L&O
With this first ever virtual issue of Limnology & Oceanography, we celebrate 60 years of the journal by bringing together 60 of the most cited papers published in the journal. After leading with the announcement for L&O in the first issue in 1956 by the...
AnaEE-France (Analyses et Expérimentations sur les Ecosystèmes - France)
AnaEE-France est une infrastructure nationale de recherche dédiée à l’étude des écosystèmes continentaux et de leur biodiversité. Elle met à la disposition de la communauté scientifique internationale 22 services composés de plateformes expérimentales...
Inkscape !
Inkscape is a vector graphics (pictures made from lines instead of dots) drawing program published under the GNU General Public License. Its stated goal is to become a really good drawing tool while being able to fit in with standards for SVG graphics....
Writing Manuscripts: The Alternative ‘Guide to Authors’
Post provided by EMMA SAYER “If the reviewer doesn’t get it, you haven’t explained it clearly enough!” This is one quote from my PhD supervisor that I haven’t forgotten. Getting research funded and published depends to a very large extent on our ability...
ROV Hercules encountered a magnificent sperm whale
At 598 meters (1,962 ft) below the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, ROV Hercules encountered a magnificent sperm whale. The whale circled Hercules several times and gave our cameras the chance to capture some incredible footage of this beautiful...
Usages et alternatives au glyphosate dans l'agriculture française
Suite à la lettre de saisine des Ministres de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, de la Transition écologique et solidaire, de la Santé, et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation du 2 novembre dernier l’Inra a remis le 30 novembre...
Marine animals like corals and starfish
Sandro Bocci a diffusé cette vidéo d’animaux marins filmés en macro et parfois en timelapse comme accroche d’un prochain film. Sandro Bocci: "Meanwhile in a world far, far away ... This is a short film created during the "Porgrave" shooting, the latest...
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Collective Frog Choruses Examined by Mathematical Modeling and Field Observations
Japan, 2013 (Jean-Marc Bonzom) Ikkyu Aihara , Takeshi Mizumoto , Takuma Otsuka , Hiromitsu Awano , Kohei Nagira , Hiroshi G. Okuno & Kazuyuki Aihara , Scientific Reports volume 4, Article number: 3891 (2014) Abstract This paper reports theoretical and...
IISD Experimental Lakes Area
IISD Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA) is an exceptional natural laboratory comprised of 58 small lakes and their watersheds set aside for scientific research. Located in a sparsely populated region of Northwestern Ontario, Canada, the lakes in the region...
Bioturbation - Worms at Work
Bioturbation is the mixing of (plant) residues into soils and sediments by biotic activity. It is one of the fundamental processes in ecology, as it stimulates decomposition, creates habitats for other (micro)fauna and increases gas- and water flow through...