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Artificial stream and pond system (FSA)

21 Juillet 2011 , Rédigé par JMB Publié dans #Matériels et Méthodes

Streams mesocosm FSA-copie-1L’Agence Fédéral pour l’Environnement à Berlin-Marienfelde (Allemagne) dispose d'une plateforme expérimentale composée de divers dispositifs expérimentaux appelés mésocosmes. Ces mésocosmes permettent de simuler des cours d'eau, des lacs et des étangs. L'objectif est d'étudier les effets  des polluants sur la structure et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques continentaux.

More information in english:

The artificial stream and pond system (“Fließ- und Stillgewässer-Simulationsanlage” – FSA) of the German Federal Environment Agency’s field station in Berlin-Marienfelde is a new large, and technically sophisticated test plant.

 The test plant allows the simulation of aquatic lotic (flowing), lentic (stagnant) and flow-through systems – from streams and rivers, ponds and lakes, right up to river like lakes. It provides an intermediary between easily controllable, but simplifying laboratory experiments and field studies, which are less controllable, but more realistic compared to the field situation.

One objective of mesocosm experiments is to examine the effects of substances andpond FSA microorganisms, which are selectively introduced into the systems on the flora and fauna, and to gain experience concerning their dispersion and stability in different aquatic compartments. The substances can either be introduced into surface waters by treated municipal wastewater (e.g. pharmaceuticals, substances containing hormones, detergents and cleansing agents, industrial chemicals, bacteria, viruses etc.), by runoff from rural areas (e.g. pesticides), or as the result of industrial accidents or atmospheric deposition (e.g. industrial chemicals).

The FSA is also used to validate studies carried out elsewhere and to improve continually the expertise of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in regulation procedures for substances and mixtures (formulations). It also provides the Federal Environmental Ministry (BMU) with scientific assistance in developing and consolidating environmental protection regulations.

Credit photos, graphics: link

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