ECOSTAT: Consultancy agency for statistics in biology
31 Juillet 2009 , Rédigé par JMB Publié dans #Statistique - modélisation - plans expérimentaux
Consultancy agency for Statistics in Ecology, Ecotoxicology and Agricultural Research.
ECOSTAT can assist you in analysing biological data statistically, the interpretation of the results of statistical analysis, the statistical aspects of
designing biological research and the mathematical modelling of biological processes.
"ECOSTAT is a statistical consultancy agency. We offer statistical analysis of biological data, the statistical aspects of the design of biological research
and the modelling of biological processes. Furthermore, we have experience in the teaching of statistics, mathematical biology and ecotoxicology and the organization of symposia. We have also experience in Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and the standardization of experimental protocols.
ECOSTAT specializes in the statistical analysis and mathematical modelling of ecological, ecotoxicological and agricultural research.
ECOSTAT was founded in 1998 by Dr. Nelly van der Hoeven.
ECOSTAT works for various governmental institutes, large and small reseach institutes and industries, both national and international."
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