6th Nereis Park International Conference : Bioturbation thematic school
28 Février 2022 , Rédigé par Bioécologie Publié dans #Colloques - conférences
“Bioturbation in the past and present: from terrestrial to marine ecosystems”
22-26 August 2022, Logonna Daoulas - France
The aim of this event is to bring together the international scientific community of researchers working on the mechanisms of bioturbation in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments, at all latitudes (polar, tropical, temperate), and taking different time scales into account (from Precambrian to present). This event is in the framework of the international Nereis Park association gathering all scientists working on Bioturbation.
This 6th edition proposes an international thematic school on Bioturbation with conferences and high-level training. It will allow promoting exchanges and giving scientists and students the latest conceptual and technological advances around the bioturbation processes through conferences and posters sessions, small workshops, debates, practical studies. The contributions for this event could be submitted for publications in a special issue on bioturbation.
Pre-registration for the 6th International Conference of Nereis Park (the home of bioturbation) is open!
Deadline for abstract submission: 23 March 2022
Free for CNRS staff but pre-registration mandatory (abstract submission is requested)
More information here
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