PhD position
4 Novembre 2019 , Rédigé par Bioécologie Publié dans #Thèses - Post-doc - Emploi - Bourse
PhD position, for a project to develop Mimulus guttatus as a system for investigating the evolution of
different reproductive modes. The student will extract and analyse sequence data to estimate the prevalence of uni- and biparental reproduction across UK populations; determine if these reproductive modes are associated with specific ecogeographic regions; and determine how the impact of natural selection differs across populations. This project will be carried out in collaboration with Mario Vallejo–Marin at The University of Stirling.
More information is available in the following adverts:
EASTBIO funding is available for UK nationals, or EU nationals that have been resident in the UK for three years prior to the start date (first link). Non-UK nationals can apply for funding via other schemes, including the Darwin Trust and other university-level funds (second link). The expected start date is October 2020.
Please direct interested candidates/questions to me, and thank you for spreading the word!
Matthew Hartfield:
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