ZEN: Eco-evolutionary Software
13 Février 2017 , Rédigé par Bioécologie Publié dans #Matériels et Méthodes, #Logiciels scientifiques - utilitaires gratuits, #Evolution
(ZEN simulation, model from Kisdi & Geritz 2001).
The distribution of phenotypes is shown along evolutionary time in ordinates.
ZEN uses an individual-based (in fact ‘phenotype-based’) approach with 3 components:
- Stochastic equations in discrete time describing the dynamics of finite populations
- Adaptive traits and their mutations (mutation rates and distributions)
- Ecological interactions between phenotypes
During the ZEN simulation, mutant phenotypes created by the triggering of mutations interact with resident phenotypes. They persist or go extinct, possibly leading to evolutionary branching and polymorphism (Figs. 1, 2).
Models are described in a text file using a reduced declaration language, and studied by means of a simple interface with convenient graphics. The ZEN kernel is a symbolic evaluator handling ‘polymorphic’ variables.
More information here
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