EWS workshop Early Warning Signs of ecosystem degradation: Theory and applications on ecological data
30 Août 2016 , Rédigé par Bioécologie Publié dans #Colloques - conférences
Friday 2 September 2016
As a follow up to the EcoSummit conference (and our session on Indicators of tipping points organized with P. Couteron), we are organizing a day of workshop on indicators of degradation in ecosystems. The idea is to take advantage of the presence of some of the experts on the topic to get an overview about the underlying theory and the available tools.
This day is open to everyone but especially targets students, young reserachers and anyone who would like to quantify indicators of degradation on his/her own data.
To stimulate discussions, participants can apply for a flash talk to present their research topic/data set (please apply by Friday 26 August).
Participation is free, but a subscription is requested (please send an email to Sonia Kéfi with the subject : "EWS day" by Friday 26 August).
More information here
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